New update in our list!!!!
Home Study - ready
FBI Clearance - ready
Birth certificate - ready
Marriage certificate (long form) - ready
Employment letter - ready
Physician letter - ready
Psychological assessment- ready
Name affidavit - ready
FBI Clearance - ready
Birth certificate - ready
Marriage certificate (long form) - ready
Employment letter - ready
Physician letter - ready
Psychological assessment- ready
Name affidavit - ready
As you can see, all the documents changed to ready status. Including the FBI clearance! What does it mean? We are ready to mail our documents to our agency so they can review them and send them to Colombia!!! YES!!!!!!

On the other hand, Talley and I had to take off from work today to go to San Antonio to the Immigration office to get our fingerprints taken (this time for the I800A document). Our appointment was schedule at 9am. We left Austin at 6:30am to avoid morning traffic. We really avoided it! We arrive to the office around 8am. We took breakfast in a close IHOP, and arrived back to the office a little bit before 9am. We were done with the entire process at 9:10! It was less than 10 minutes total! We headed back to Austin immediately. I had time to get (again) our physician reports and get them Apostille very quickly. All before noon, it was a very productive morning!!!
Now it is time to get ready for Christmas. The tree is up, decorations are out of the boxes. We still don't know exactly what are we doing on Christmas day because Talley's dad will have a minor surgery on Tuesday, so maybe we will celebrate another day. Who knows... we still have time to plan ;-)
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