Thursday, June 11, 2009

Home Study Addendum - II

So this is exciting... we have something new to do with the adoption process and it is not only to wait!

I picked the Addendum up just after two hours they notified it was ready (I took a break from work, their office is just 5 minutes away from mine!).

What are my plans for tomorrow??? Go to the Secretary of State to have the document Apostilled, then send it to Washington DC for Adopolis to send it to Colombia. Then back to work...

Then we will wait for translation, then it will go to ICBF... and finally get approval! Maybe another month or two before approval? We are soo close! Curious enough, it will be close to the year mark since we started the process.

What are we doing on the mean time? Simple, we are working like crazy. Talley is studying to complete his Linux certification and I'm starting classes to finish my bachelor degree. So that will keep us busy for a little bit. Hopefully at the time we finish our goals, we will be very close to get a child :-D

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Home Study Addendum

So we though that everything was said, that whoever reads our home study and psych evaluation will know single detail about us (even more than we know ourselves). We were sooo wrong!!! It looks like there is more that can be said and that is what ICBF wants from us.

We are already in conversation with our Home Study agency to have the Addendum done; it may involve a couple of more visits to our house or interviews. When it is ready, we will have to send it to our agency in Washington DC and then it will need to be translated and then be submitted to ICBF. So I'm estimating that it may take another three months before we are approved, which will be after year year since we started this process. Anyway, I think that we may get a child at the end of 2013! (unless I convince Talley that we need to have a sibling group!).