Friday, January 9, 2009

What is going on?

That may be a question that I ask myself everyday, what is going on?  Specially on the adoption topic.  Our agency requested a name affidavit from Talley as well, because in some documents he shows with his middle name and not in others.   Fine, this document received its apostille past Monday and it was mail out the same day.  It arrived to the agency yesterday.  I also sent a new collage of pictures to put in our dossier, those includes the ones that I posted here previously.   She says that all our documents look good [:-)]  Happy dance!  
I don't know when the agency will send the documents to Colombia to have them translate, but it should be very very soon, the sooner the better.  Not only because we want our child soon, but because some documents may expire!!!  
On a different note, there is a very small chance for our application to go to a private orphanage.  If they accept us, our waiting time may be smaller and they are more chances to have an infant.  I'm very sure it is on God's hand to decide where our child is at, so He will put us in the right place at the right time.   But lets keep our fingers crossed :D

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