Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Citizens of the World

"Citizens of the World" is a hosting program created by our placement agency Adopolis. I cannot describe it better than they do:

"Adopolis is pleased to announce that an agreement has been signed with the Colombian Family Welfare Institute (ICBF) to initiate Citizens of the World, a Hosting Program for children and host families interested in providing special needs and older children from Colombia an enriching family experience. This program helps to fulfill Adopolis’ commitment to education and service, recognizing the importance of a family life for a child. After the children return to Colombia, the host families can support them in different ways or may be considered as prospective adoptive families.

The goal of the program is to provide children - special needs 4 to 7 yrs. old, and healthy 8 to 12 yrs. old - with a summertime or a Christmas season enrichment experience within the environment of a family’s home. The program is family-centered. The children will stay with a family for three or four weeks during the months of July-August or December-January, which is when families take their summer and Christmas vacations.

More information here
and here

This should be a great opportunity to explore if adoption is right for you!

Monday, June 7, 2010

USCIS renewal

I realize that it has been a while since I updated this blog with our adoption news.

Well, not many things are going on about adoption, other that we have been approved by the USCIS to adopt up to two kids from Colombia. This is good news but not the end of this part of the road. We have to send the HS appostilled to Colombia ICBF to get their approval and to enter another waiting list. I will get to get the apostille this week, then send it to our agency and get it translated and delivered to ICBF.

My best guess now is to become parents by 2012, even that in my heart I hope to get a referral by the end of next year. I can always dream, right?

So, on the meantime, we have been busy with our new house!!! We found this place with great schools, playground in the community, and what it looks to be nice neighbors. And just 5 minutes away from the office! Other than that, we have been very busy with work, work, and work.

See u next time!