Friday, May 22, 2009
News :-(
I guess this is our welcome to the real process of adoption, delays can happen anytime!
Our lovely agency will ask for specifics, what do they exactly need from us that is not included in our dossier. Then we will provide whatever they ask and hopefully we will be approved.
Good news? Well, at least somebody is looking at our paperwork and it is not sitting in a big pile! So we are closer to approval than what we tought!!!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Are no-news good news?
I coudn't wait until the 3-months mark to ask for a status update so I emailed them on Monday. I received the reply today: "No news". She will check with her contact in Bogota to see if there is anything new.
Well, I have to look at the possitive side of this: At least we are not rejected! (no yet ;-)
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Federal adoption tax credit
Email received from our Home Study agency:
The Federal adoption tax credit has enabled thousands of families to be able to adopt a child/children. However, the current adoption tax credit is set to expire in December 2010, unless Congress acts to vote to continue it.
Action is needed! Please take the time to read the following article on the Rainbow Kids website to understand more about this legislation.
Feel free to pass this information on to any adoptive families, families in the process of adoption, your friends, and your family members and have them contact their representative as outlined on the website. It is critical that this legislation be approved to continue!
P.S. Yea for Texas for having such a large number of co-sponsors!!!